Everything you need to become a confident writer.

"The Website Words Academy had a positive knock-on effect on all aspects of my business." Marjory M

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Join The Website Words Academy today and get the first two modules free!!!

This copywriting course shows you how to write wow-factor words for your website (and business).

Using my secret sauce...sales psychology.

This is different to all the times you’ve tried to write a website (or any other words for your business) before.  

This time you’ll have :  

✅ Step-by-step templates for each page, so you’re never starting scratch

✅ The skills and confidence to write persuasive language whenever you need it  

✅ A copywriting pro (👋) in your corner to walk you through each and every element.

Lean how to write psychology-backed words in only 4 weeks.

"How I feel about writing now, compared to before I joined, is like day and night.

Your course gave me an amazing framework and formula to make writing much easier, and understanding a more conversational side to using persuasive language. It's blowing my mind!"

Lee M

🙋‍♀️ If you’re a marketer, web designer or content writer who wants to add 'copywriting' to your skillset to impress your clients. This is for you.

🙋‍♀️ If you’re a coach or consultant and trying to write your website alone is becoming overwhelming and frustrating.  This is for you.

🙋‍♀️ If you want to add your personality and learn about brand voice, so your words don't sound like a generic robot. This is for you.

🙋‍♀️ If you understand that sales psychology is the secret sauce to writing words that sell and a skill that’ll pay you for LIFE. This is for you.

    Join now and get the first two modules for FREE!! No credit card required.

The website Words Academy includes short, self-paced video tutorials, templates and real-life examples.

To teach you step-by-step, how to write your Homepage, About page and How I work page.

As well as SEO and sales psychology tips you can use for EVERYTHING you write for your business.  

Module 1: The ‘Clever TRIC’ method. (Get it for free!)

We kick-off with an instant win. My unique Clever TRIC method helps you find out exactly what your dream clients are thinking and how to get what’s in their head on your page.

✅  Module 2: Homepage Hero. (Get it for free!)

I share the proven Homepage template that I use with my 1:1 clients, to write high-converting Homepages. And navigate your reader on their journey around the rest of your website.  

✅  Module 3: Power up Your About page.

The About page is every business owner’s nemesis, we’ll write an About page that sells your sizzle, and your services, without feeling cringey and unauthentic.

✅  Module 4: Wow-kapow How I work page.

We talk about how to position yourself as the go-to authority in your industry, by busting myths and articulating your unique process in a way that helps you stand out from your competition.

Module 5: Wrapping it all up in a highly-converting bow

Using my tried-and-tested SEO checklist and sales psychology cheat-sheet. We'll review everything you have learnt and talk about how to apply your new skills to all your copy going forward.

Get a sneak peek inside 👆🏻

Learning how to write a website will give you more copywriting-confidence for ALL your content...

 Confidence that your words will hit the mark.
Confidence that you can write quickly.
Confidence that you know your ideal client.
Confidence in yourself that YOU CAN WRITE.

“After struggling for weeks, I knocked out my About page in 40 mins…while travelling”.
Mariah McInnes, Content Marketing Coach

“I have noticed my confidence in writing my copy has increased. Now I know what I’m looking for, what feels right when I’m writing. I'm proud of my new-found copywriting skills”. Charlotte C

"I got clear on how to write to my target audience.
I have a structure to work within so I don’t feel overwhelmed or lost". Gemma H

"I have taken these techniques and have done so much more marketing, from blog writing, re-engaging with my email list (and growing it), 
writing social posts and even when recording videos for my e-Courses". Jo S

“I understand the psychology behind things now and it helps me make decisions about the copy.

I can take this knowledge with me and use the same principles to write copy for my business whenever I need to.” 

Liisa V

Get started for free (no credit card required) 👇🏻

The Investment To Upskill Yourself And Next-Level Your Business is Only $623 (USD)

With a 100%, no questions asked money-back-guarantee.(Check out the FAQs at the bottom of the page for more on that) 

Join Now To Start on Tuesday 10 January 2023